I recently saw a school friends mum’s name pop up on Facebook and it got me thinking about an embarrassing conversation I had with her when I was about sixteen.

I don’t quite remember how the chatter started but we got onto the subject of dogs. Me, being a cat person, and knowing absolutely nothing about different breeds at the time tried to contribute something to the conversation…

Me: I really like the Durex dog.

Awkward pause

She: Katie, do you mean the Dulux dog?

Me, face burning: Erm, yeah.

I’m pretty sure I tried to talk my way out of it, or at least, keep talking to fill the awkward silence. Probably, desperately, trying to name other kinds of dog breeds with the hope I might just die right there and the subject be automatically changed to that.

As I recall, Mrs L obviously saw the funny side of it but remained dignified enough to let me and my shame scuttle away.

And just to be clear, there was no untoward reason I would be knowing about this particular brand. It was most likely around the time we did some school classes of the biological sciences variety.

It’s now become a thing where even Hubby chimes in with “look, it’s a Durex dog” whenever we see an Old English Sheep dog run by, which seems to be surprisingly often…

Ah, precious memories.

Until next time,


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